Quechua-Aymara carpet.
Aroma, Department La Paz. Bolivia. Mid 20th century.
Spun-spun sheep's wool rug dyed with natural dyes, warp-faced on a stake loom. Its dimensions indicate that this piece was made to order. Its soft colors, its thickness and an ornamental design of stylized flowers stand out, different in the four streets of its field, representing a garden, which is visualized with a lawn path in the center, with said street in a green tone. Measurements: Length: 122 cm / 48 in. Width: 74 cm / 29.13 in.
The weaver shows her artisanal skill incorporating different techniques such as dividing the tree with flowers and fruits in two in one of the streets, the separation of another of the same into tops, incorporating the stylized figure of the gardener, and the sticks of gladioli in other. The tocapos, of Inca influence, are squares or rectangles, formed by the inversion of the threads that they draw with those of the background. In this case: the gardener is represented in orange on a mustard background, while the second cap shows mustard flowers on an orange background and is reversed in the third with orange flowers on a mustard background. (1)
In addition to its handcrafted qualities, the good condition of the fabric despite its intensive use and its age, make this unique piece considered collectible.
1: Bibliographic source: Teresa Gisbert, Silvia Arce, Martha Cajías: Textile art and the Andean world. Plural Editores, 2006, pp. 220-221.
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