Arco Triunfal de la República Argentina. (...). 1898.
Arco Triunfal de la República Argentina (piedras para su construcción). Edición dedicada por el autor a los alumnos de las escuelas de Pehuajó. El 25 de Mayo de 1898. Imprenta y Librería Boullosas. Buenos Aires. 1898.
Very rare. 12mo (17.3 x 11.2 cm / 6.81 x 4.4 in), 46 pp. Copy in its paperback publisher binding, in good condition, preserved inside a folder made of full leather. With the wet stamp of the Estanislao Zeballos library. In 1890 the first edition was published in La Plata, collated by Suárez -n. 8758-, which was unaware of this one.
In its pages vibrates a story about the episodes that forged our country from May 25, 1810 until the middle of that century, concluding with "one of the most important and glorious naval combat for Argentine arms: the one that took place on 20 November 1845 on the Paraná River, a place called the “Vuelta de Obligado”.
Its author, brother of the famous poet José Hernández, had a short and intense life. Being a land surveyor, politician and journalist, he carried out important work in different fields of action; He created colonies, founded newspapers, drew up the plans of numerous towns, was a fervent defender of press freedom, held a legislative seat, was a constituent, and the list goes on. Based in Pehuajó he republished this brochure.
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