Don Manuel Dorrego, Coronel de los Ejércitos de la Patria y Comandante Interino de Armas. (Text:) Siendo la defensa del país la ley primera, y por consiguiente de la exclusiva atención del Gobierno dictar medidas (...) Buenos-Ayres Junio 26 de 1820. Imprenta de Expósitos.
Quarto major (30 x 19.5 cm), 1 p., blank. Good copy, with bookplates by Augusto Fernández Díaz. Zinny, in Appendix, n. 152, p. 360.
Announcement of the Civic Thirds, who must attend daily for the "doctrinal (sic) exercises", from 8 to 10 in the morning. At that time, the supply houses of the city and the suburbs must remain closed, "whose opening will be announced with a cannon shot in this Fortress." To the offenders, a pecuniary fine of 25 pesos and if they repeat ...
In those days, Francisco Ramírez with his troops had advanced on Buenos Aires territory and on the same 26, in another form issued by Foundlings, the imminent invasion of the Santa Fe forces associated with the arms gathered by Generals Alvear and Carrera was announced by means of a Proclamation. Buenos Aires was governed by Brigadier Soler, who had gone out on the campaign - ready to control these threats - who appointed Colonel Dorrego to exercise the Buenos Aires military command.
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