Memoria del Presidente de la Comisión Municipal al Concejo correspondiente al Ejercicio de 1882. Marzo de 1883. Tomo Primero. Buenos Aires. Imprenta de M. Biedma. 1882.
Quarto, (24 cm x 16 cm), Title page, bl, 661 pp., 16 plates, includes 1 photograph. Back cloth binding. Roberto Ferrari in “Argentine publications with original photographs (1855 - 1900)” registers a copy with two photographs.
Corresponds to a Memory of Torcuato de Alvear, then President of the Municipal Commission (1880 - 1883) already federalized the city of Buenos Aires. The Memory includes a detailed report on the activities carried out in the different areas of government, with numerous plans of public works such as the Recoleta Asylum Church, the Barracas Hospital, the Mercedes Hospice and the Plaza 11 project. of September.
This "Report" has the peculiarity of including an original photo -an albumin- by Fermepin Hnos. of the recently built grotto and waterfall of the Plaza Once. This is an early example of photography integrated into a book.
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