Censo Escolar Nacional correspondiente (...). 1885.
Censo Escolar Nacional correspondiente a fines de 1883 y principios de 1884. Levantado bajo la Superintendencia Administrativa de la Comisión Nacional de Educación: (...) Talleres de la Tribuna Nacional. Buenos Aires. 1885.
Complete work, with its three bound volumes. Volumes I-II and III. They include statistical tables and plans of the buildings.
The importance of this work lies in the fact that it is the first national Census that was carried out after the enactment of the Public Education Law 1420. Through the collected data, an X-ray of the school situation in the country is presented. They are volumes highly sought after by education researchers as they show not only the school population, but also the level of knowledge, the number of illiterates, the nationality of the students, the hygienic conditions of the schools, their teaching material, their furniture, their teachers, their teaching programs and even financial matters.
It transcribes the decrees for the creation of schools throughout the country and the teaching methods together with the applied study programs. It details the equipment of the public and private schools and has the plans and facades of the school buildings in the provincial capitals. In short, a true historical compendium that allows us to understand the level of education applied by the Generation of 80, and how intense the decline in these indicators has been to this day.
Benjamín Zorrilla chaired the National Education Commission, also made up of Miguel Goyena, Marcos Sastre, José Wilde, Federico de la Barra, Julio Fonrouge, Alberto Larroque, Carlos Guido y Spano, and José Hernández.
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