“Documentary” Lliclla. Aymara. Omasuyos / Pacajes Region, Department of La Paz, Bolivia. 1975.
Made on a stake loom; formed by two cloths woven with the warp face technique, with sheep's wool. The natural (undyed) grayish color of the field tissue fiber is characteristic of this region. "In the current region of Omasuyos, excluding Escoma, there is a marked preference for the use of undyed wool, achieving a remarkable amount of nuances in natural colors." (1) Measurements: Length 112 cm / 44.09 in. Width 100 cm / 39.37 in.
A distinctive feature of this garment is the textile writing that indicates: (sic) “INDUSTREA BULIVIA RECOERdO dE 1975 ANO FABRICA DE LANA FECHA 22 DE FEBRIRO LUISA CONdORI” (“Bolivian industry, memory of 1975, year of factory, wool, date February 22, Luisa Condori”), on double-sided fabric bands, two legends per field, obverse on one of them and reverse in the complementary. Regarding this characteristic, the aforementioned researchers explain: “In textiles from the highlands of La Paz, and especially from the Pacajes region, we find a series of written legends. The textiles generally bear the name of the owner and the date they were made ”. (2)
The lliclla is used both to wrap a child and carry it on the back, as a suitcase for transporting luggage and merchandise.
1. T. Gisbert, S. Arce, M. Cajías: Textiles in the Bolivian Andes. Edit. Bolivian Photo Agency / Quipus Cultural Foundation. 2003, p. 102. 2. T. Gisbert, S. Arce, M. Cajías: Ob. cit. 2003, p. 91. S.E.H.IX-BDM
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