Old Books


La Provincia de Santa Fe y el (...). 1887.

Discursos del Ministro Civit en la Inauguración de Obras Públicas. 1899 a 1904. Buenos Aires. 1904.

Quarto, (21 cm x 12.5 cm), 127 pp., (includes Title page, blank), 1 sheet of Index. Modern cloth binding. Exemplar in good condition. Not in Suarez.


Includes references to the works carried out in Chilecito, the port of Rosario, Gualeguay, Gualeguaychú and Paraná; the railways to Villa María, Orán, Dolores, San Juan, La Rioja, Andalgalá, Tinogasta and Añatuya; the running water works in Paraná, Jujuy, Salta and Santiago del Estero, and the dam on the V river in San Luis. It is accompanied by the speech of President Julio A. Roca, of thanks.


The Mendoza Francisco Civit (1827-1908), dedicated to the cultivation of vineyards, was at the same time a political figure clearly linked to the unitary and liberal sectors. Among his multiple administrations, he was twice Governor of Mendoza, in 1873 and 1876 -with a period in 1874 when he was overthrown and had to flee to Chile- and then National Senator between 1877 and 1886. In his provincial government he privileged the expansion of the irrigation canals for the vineyards and he would do the same as Roca's Minister of Public Works with hydraulic tasks in various regions, which are detailed in this book.


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